06.10.1972 – 13.10.2021

Ronetta was known by many names including Ronnie, Net and Ron dog, but most notably as mum to her two boys Zac and Jye.

Ronetta was born and bred in Warrnambool, living here all her life. She was a very much loved member of our community who referred to everyone as ‘mate’. She had many friends from her jobs at Nestles, The Dragon Inn, Chitticks bakery, Morris Rd Milk bar and most recently Armaguard.

However Ronetta’s most loved role was that of mum to her two boys.

Ronetta first presented with signs of CJD in July 2021, and by early September had a confirmed DNA diagnosis of the Familial CJD gene. As with most cases of this disease, Ronetta’s health took a rapid decline. Ronetta displayed true courage and determination during her fight, and was able to spend her final months sharing memories and laughs with many loved ones, including family in Portland. 

Sadly Ronetta passed away surrounded by loved ones on the 13th of October 2021, one week exactly after her 49th Birthday,

To mark her ongoing legacy, Ronetta’s sons, family and friends are arranging a CJD fundraising event to be held at Lake Pertobe in Warrnambool on the 12th of November 2022.

“Run or Ride for Ronnie”

The event will allow participants to choose between a run, walk or a Motorbike ride in the hope to raise much needed awareness and funds for research into CJD.

Total raised so far to support CJD Research in Australia – $17,785.64

Total donated to prion disease research in Australia – $17,785.64 allocated towards:

2022- $17,785.64 allocated as part of the CJDSGN Memorial Donation 2022 in memory of Ronetta Wackett, Mario Papalia and Janelle Gil. $41,935.05 awarded to The Australian National CJD Registry (ANCJDR) for the purchase of an AZURE 300 IMAGER to be used for diagnostic and research purposes.


The CJDSGN guarantees that every cent received will go directly to support the CJD Research Teams in Australia, improvements in diagnostic tools or the work of the CJDSGN in supporting families affected by CJD. Ronetta’s family will be notified of your donation and consulted on the allocation of funding.

The CJDSGN is a registered charity and will provide you with a tax deductible receipt. We use PayPal’s secure checkout to process our donations. *Please allow or select to return to the CJDSGN website from Paypal to ensure your donation is processed.*

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Donation Total: $100.00 One Time